Meet the Founder

My most humble hello and welcome! My name is Abigail, everyone knows me as Abby. I was born and partially raised in Fort Worth, Texas. Partially?.. I am privileged to have been raised in both Fort Worth and San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Since an infant up until this day, San Luis is part of who I am and who I’ve become. My rancho is very humble but in many ways luxurious. How? It’s a different world in my eyes, one where social media is not consuming our everyday lives. Traditions and cultures are still very much followed and respected. Each time is a humbling experience. I am happily married to my soulmate Lupe, my right hand man and my biggest supporter. We have one wonderful son, Julian, who is our why to pretty much everything we do.

How it Started

This product is not easily found, it derives from a plant found in the mountains of Mexico. I can’t really explain my how without starting it with who.. God, I don’t know how I got so lucky. Let me explain, I was trying to purchase this product, I was never successful in finding it. One day, without looking for it, I found it! Struck a deal and the rest is history! It sounds easy, but there is so much to it in the background. You’ll never know all the struggles that go on behind closed doors. Why? Because I am grateful for those too! Now a business owner, I come to realize we have to embrace our struggles just as much as our success. We can’t obtain our success without learning to overcome our failures gracefully.

Why I do it

I am beyond blessed to have found a product so amazing that has given me the privilege to help so many. Hair Loss is a thief of self confidence. With so many causes of hairloss and now adding this new virus to the mix. Hair Loss is becoming more of an issue than ever before. This is my WHY, to hear your amazing reviews and to see your progress is nothing short of a blessing. I am so honored to be a part of your journey! I thank everyone who has supported me. You all are my motivation to continue to bring quality products to help you in your struggle. A sincere and grateful thank you from my family to you.